Tree Planting Along 17th Street Between East Park Street and Zlatnik Drive

Terrace Tree

A contractor for the City will be planting trees in the terraces (areas between curb and sidewalk) along 17th Street on May 8-9. 

Our staff and forestry consultant have selected several varieties of trees, to assure a diverse mix.  The varieties to be planted include Princeton Elm, White Oak, Kentucky Coffee Tree, Amur Maple, Honey Locust, Hackberry, and Thornless Cockspur Hawthorn.

These varieties are appropriate for planting along city streets.  They will be placed taking into account overhead utilities (shorter varieties beneath lines) and terrace width.  Planting locations will be staked during the week of May 1.

Mulch rings will be placed around each tree, and we plan to water them initially and during any extended dry spells that we may encounter this Summer.  Homeowner assistance with watering the trees would be appreciated.

We expect that this planting of nearly 40 new street trees will have a very positive impact on the appearance of your neighborhood, completing a revitalization project that began with last year’s street reconstruction. 

By the way, as the weather warms up (soon, we hope), the City will be addressing any areas along last year’s project where turf restoration in the terraces needs attention.