Opportunity Grant



The Explore Two Rivers Opportunity Grant program acknowledges the pivotal role of Two Rivers’ arts, cultural, nature, and heritage venues in driving tourism and fostering a thriving community. Annually, these diverse attractions contribute significantly to the generation of Room Tax revenue, thereby amplifying their economic impact. A portion of these Room Tax funds are allocated to provide Opportunity Grants, which range from $500 to $5,000 and are distributed quarterly.

The Explore Two Rivers Tourism Grant program supports tourism-related initiatives within and around the city by providing financial assistance for projects, marketing efforts, and events. This competitive grant program has been established to provide direct operating and marketing assistance grants to organizations that host and operate existing or new tourism events.


  • Can I apply for funding for events outside of Two Rivers?  You may apply for funding for events that take place outside of the city limits of Two Rivers.  However, funding in this case must have a direct correlation that leads to overnight stays in the City of Two Rivers
  • Can an organization apply for more than one grant?  You may apply for more than one grant in a calendar year.  Please note that an event will not be eligible for funding if the event has received funding for two consecutive years.
  • Why is a 990 and EIN# required?  Because Opportunity Grants are funded through room tax revenue, the Explore Board of Directors is taking every precaution to ensure that organizations and events are in good standing with the IRS and have demonstrated good fiduciary responsibility.
  • May I contact the Tourism Department if I have questions about the grant application?  We highly encourage any organization looking to pursue an Opportunity Grant to contact the Tourism Department if you have questions.  We are here to support your efforts and will assist you with the grant process.
  • Can I apply for funding if the event takes place in the next calendar year?  You may apply for funding to support an event or program that takes place in the next calendar year.  If your grant application is approved, you will receive the requested funds in the application year.
  • Is this grant limited to non-profit organizations?  Opportunity Grants are available to non-profit and for-profit organizations.


If you have questions, please contact Tourism Director Joe Metzen at tourism@two-rivers.org