Explore Two Rivers on a quest for answers

Logo for the Lester Public Library TReasure Quest depicting an ice cream sundae

Love a challenge? For puzzle-solving pleasure, embark upon the Lester Public Library TReasure Quest—part escape room, part treasure hunt.

Gather a team and stop by the library to begin the mission. Receive packet #1. Determine the Two Rivers location where clues await. Go there to solve the puzzles contained within the packet (it’ll take you 45 minutes to one hour). Hints provided if you need ‘em.

When your team arrives at the solution, return to the library to verify your answer. If you are correct, receive packet #2. Repeat these steps until you reach the culmination upon completion of packet #6.

Visitors to Two Rivers are invited to participate, too–but plan to spend more than one day on this series of conundrums.

The Quest is not a race. Take a weekend or all summer. You finish—you win!